Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Global Focus is a bilingual peer-reviewed journal that issues bi-annually in April and October. The Journal is managed and published by the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. Global Focus is an interdisciplinary journal that welcomes manuscripts of original empirical, analytic, and theoretical global studies.

The purpose of Global Focus is to provide readers a broad, complex, and dynamic process of interactive decision-making that is continually evolving and responding to global political changes. The particular topics relevant to this Journal are international security, global political economy, global ethics and culture, transnational issues, and other related sub-fields. The Journal focuses on these main themes: 

  • the rising of transnational actors/issues within global politics;
  • the alternative and beyond states perspective, and;
  • the interplay of global-local/international-domestic.

 The Journal publishes the following types of manuscripts:

  • Original Research Articles: The manuscripts should be approximately 4000-8000 words
  • Book Review: The manuscripts should be approximately 1000-1500 words. The manuscripts must contain the current state of understanding on the relevant topic by analyzing and discussing previous research.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Unchecked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The journal implements the peer review policy as a means to ensure the quality of the publication in the journal. The peer-review process consists of initial review, double-blind review, and the decision by the editor.

1. Initial Review.The members of the Editorial Board choose and evaluate each manuscript that is submitted to the Journal of Global Focus. This procedure is applied as the initial screening to assess whether the manuscripts have been compiled with the submission guidelines, focus and scope and whether they are of outstanding quality. This process will require approximately a week to complete. The manuscript must follow these requirements:

  • Format and style. Authors must follow the article’s template for the submission draft, which may be downloaded here.
  • Screening for plagiarism. Plagiarism screening will be conducted by Journal of Global Focus using Turnitin. The maximum similarity percentage is 20%. When the similarity percentage exceeds the cutoff, Journal of Global Focus has the right to reject the paper
  • Focus and Scope. The manuscript must follow the focus and scope of Journal of Global Focus.

2. Reviewer AssignmentAfter completing the initial review, the journal's editor contacted potential manuscript reviewers. This process will require approximately 1-2 weeks to complete.

3. Peer-Review. Submitted manuscripts that have passed the initial review are subjected to a double-blind review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the review process. Minimum of two reviewers is assigned to evaluate and provide the recommendation for a manuscript. In assigning the reviewers, the editor is responsible for avoiding conflict of interest during the review process. This process will require approximately four weeks to complete.

4. Reviewers' Decision. The editor makes the final decision on the acceptability of a manuscript based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers. This process will take approximately 1-2 weeks.

Once the review process is done, the editor will notify the author of one of the following decisions.

  • Accepted Submission. This decision implies that the article needs no more revisions and is ready for the copyediting process. There are no corrections unless the copy editor improves the article's clarity and readability.
  • Resubmit for Review. The editor made this decision may because the article has eminence in content, but the manuscript is not written based on the style of the journal. The article might also be prone to plagiarism because of inappropriate referencing.
  • Revision Required. A manuscript subject to this decision means the article needs improvements according to the reviewers' recommendations and the editor's evaluation. For minor revisions, the author will be given ten days to have their article revised and maximum of three weeks for major revisions after the decision is made.
  • Decline Submission. Generally, the manuscript is declined by the editor because (1) it is not fit to the aim and scope of the journal, (2) the article does not offer a novelty, originality, or significance to the field that is being discussed, (3) the article has plenty of flaws whether in research and article design, methodology, and analysis, (4) subject to plagiarism issues

5. Revision. Once the manuscript has been received with notations of minor or major revisions, it will be returned to the author with a review summary form. For manuscripts accepted with significant revisions, authors are allotted three weeks to revise, Whereas fro manuscripts accepted wih minor revisions, one week is allotted for revision. When returning the revised manuscript, the author is required to fill and attach the review summary form.

6. Final Decision. At this stage, the Ediorial Board will re-evaluate the manuscript to ensure that the author has revised it in response to the reviewers' concerns. In this final decision, the manuscript may still be rejected if the author did not seriously conduct necessary revisions.

7. Proofreeding. Once the manuscript has been deemed acceptable by the Editorial Board, it will undergo a proofreading process to maintain lingustic quality.

8. Competing Interest. After the paper submission is accepted and scheduled for publication, the corresponding author will be asked to attach the declaration of no conflict of interest.

9. Publication Confirmation. At this stage, in a certain condition, the final layout of the manuscript will be resent to the author to ensure that the content follows the author’s writing. At this stage, the author may revise any typographical error found in the final manuscript. Once confirmation from the author is given, the Editorial Secretary will process the manuscript for online publication on the website and a print publication.


Publication Frequency

Global Focus is a journal that issues bi-annually in APRIL and OCTOBERGlobal Focus is currently accepting manuscripts to be considered for publication in the future issues of the journal. Manuscripts can be in the form of research papers or theoretical papers that appropriately address the idea of interiority as outlined in the Focus and Scopes of the journal. We also accept reviews of books on the themes that are relevant to the idea of Global Focus. Please refer to the Submission section for further detailed guidelines for authors.

Submission deadline for future issues:

Volume 3 Number 2

Published October 2023


Occasionally there will be issues with specific themes related to Global Focus. Call for Papers for themed issues will be announced on this page.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Plagiarism Screening


  • Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed;
  • The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted;
  • An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable;
  • Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Working Process:

  1. Editorial Team checking manuscript on offline and online database manually (checking proper citation and quotation);
  2. Editorial Team checking manuscript by using Turnitin app. If it is found plagiarism indication (more than 15%), the board will reject the manuscript immediately.